Excitement and Passion Lead to Excellence
How could you not get excited about the chance to be kind to others? How could you not be passionate about opportunity to satisfy the needs of others?
Then why is customer service bad?
You could point to the individuals working on the front line. There are a bunch of valid discussions we could have, but that is not the real problem. I am here to tell you that the greatest problem is with your customer service is you. It’s your company – your company systems and processes. I can point to 100 actions that your company performs daily that contribute to poor customer service.
It’s not just your company. Most businesses have poor customer service. Why not clean it up? Why not get ahead of the competition and the game? Why not provide excellent customer service?
You probably think your service is pretty good. Most companies think that. Eighty percent of companies think their service is good. But, your service may not be as good as you think. Interestingly, eighty percent of their customers think their service is bad. Who is right?
The old adage says, “the customer is always right.” But, it doesn’t matter. What matters is, great customer service. Arguing about who is right is wasted energy.
Denial – I will show you the top 10 ways that your denial leads to bad customer service.
Communication – You’ll see the top 10 ways that your communication is ‘not’ reaching your employee. What is communication? It’s only communication when the message reaches or is perceived by someone else.
Reason and Drive – Another cause of poor customer service is that you don’t have strong enough reason or drive. I will show you 10 ways to summon endless energy to find solutions.
Systems and Processes – Without even looking at your business, I can show you systems and processes that fail and cause customers (and employees) bad experiences. Why not fix the systems (see above)? Companies sabotage themselves continually. You can do something about it.
Much More – Customer Service is one of the most important practices in the world. You have the opportunity to brighten someone’s day. Touching others, connecting and spreading joy can change the world. Let’s do it.