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Your greatest currency is the energy running through you at this moment.
This website deals with expanding that currency running through you.
Do your daily currency expansion
Inner currency is the essence of Goodology.
Great Gifts Smile, be kind, give Be a breath of fresh air for others. Involve yourself in any activity that assists another person to breathe easier or feel good. We pass by people daily with little exchange. One smile bonds you for that moment. In that moment, we feel peace and connection. How can we commit to increasing those moments of positive impact?
Greater Gifts Empower Others You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day. You can teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime. How many times have you given a homeless person one dollar or spare change? The feeling ‘in that moment’ is wonderful but will it change their life? How can we give so it decreases need and increases self-sufficiency?
Greatest Gift Be Your Best Understand inner energy in a way you have not seen putting yourself in the greatest position to help others. The greatest currency we have is our inner energy movement. Understand the Goodology® currency. By embracing that which may feel uncomfortable, you have connected with your inner gold.
Category: Goodology Blog